Resellers API
Users API
Background Results API
Reseller Portal API
User Portal API


CreditConnect provides a hosted solution that supplies Integrators with the tools they need to easily add Experian Connect capabilities to their existing platforms. CreditConnect provides both an easy to use RESTfull JSON API and several secure portals for end-users. These portals provide all the user interface needed for end-users to interact with and share reports.

Since CreditConnect provides the user interface for interacting with and sharing reports, it manages the Experian Data for you. This greatly simplifies EI3PA compliance for Integrators and allows CreditConnect to handle the bulk of EI3PA compliance. Since Integrators provide the login facilities for applicants and property owners in their own systems, Integrators do need to address a small subsection of EI3PA that deals with login and session security requirements.

To help provide a seamless user experience, CreditConnect allows the portals to be embedded in the Integrators platform. You can find more information in the Embedding section. In addition, CreditConnect allows integrators to theme the portals with custom CSS stylesheets.


CreditConnect’s API utilizes both IP Address Whitelisting and HTTP Basic Authentication. When obtaining API Keys and setting up an account you will be required to provide the IP Addresses you will be accessing the CreditConnect API from.

Most HTTP client libraries should have HTTP Basic Authentication baked right in. But if for whatever reason you need to implement HTTP Basic Authentication yourself, it is a trivial task. Please see for additional information. The API Key we issue the Integrator will be used as the HTTP Basic Authentication username. The HTTP Basic Authentication password should be left blank.

When done correctly you request should have an authorization header that resembles:

Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l


The CreditConnect API ingests JSON and therefore expects the Content-Type header to be set to application/json.

Content-Type: application/json