Resellers API
Users API
Background Results API
Reseller Portal API
User Portal API


Currently CreditConnect does not have a staging environment that is accessible by Integrators. This is in part due to the fact that while Experian has a staging environment for ConnectAPI, they typically only issue staging credentials to platforms like CreditConnect and not to Resellers. But in the case of CreditConnect, there are also Integrators that are neither Platforms nor Resellers in Experian’s eyes. If we can work out how to issue staging credentials to Integrators, we will setup a staging environment.

In the mean time, development can be done against the production environment with the assistance of Demo Mode.

Demo Mode

When Demo Mode is enabled via the API (see the Reseller and User APIs) CreditConnect will bypass Experian ConnnectAPI and instead return pre-canned results. That way you can demo, test, and train in a production environment without hitting Experian’s production API.

When in Demo Mode, you can enter any user you like and it will always return the same KBA questions. When answering the questions, the first answer is always the correct answer.

You can tell if you are in Demo Mode or not by looking for the presence of a red Demo Mode banner at the top of the portals.

EVCARRIE Connectivity Test

When a Reseller is ready to do a final test of the system against Experian’s production API, there is a special test case they make available called EVCARRIE. Its usage in production is highly restricted and Experian will typically only issue EVCARRIE test data to Resellers. As an Integrator you will typically not have any need to use EVCARRIE (unless you are also a Reseller). Since CreditConnect is a tested platform that is known to work with ConnectAPI, the only value of EVCARRIE is to ensure the Reseller property entered and setup their production API credentials for ConnectAPI.