Resellers API
Users API
Background Results API
Reseller Portal API
User Portal API

Background Results API

When the Integrator receives the background.requested webhook (see Webhooks) it means the Applicant is ready to order and view their Background Report. Once the report is completed by the Integrator they can post the results of the background check back into the CreditConnect via this API. The report should be submitted in HTML format.

Some background reports may take a few days to complete if there are verifications or the CRA needs to review the results before completing the report. To accommodate that, CreditConnect will display a message to the user if the report is taking too long to complete. The user is told they will be emailed when the report is complete. This is in part because the Integrator knows where the Applicant needs to go to log back into the Integrator’s platform and return to the Applicant Portal.

It is the Integrator's responsibility to send the background check complete email.

If a background.requested webhook with "demo_mode": true we suggest that the Integrator send a pre-canned demo background report to CreditConnect.

The Background Report will be loaded into an iframe. So you should remove any frame busting javascript before submitting the HTML to CreditConnect. In addition, the HTML should contain only absolute URLs. Otherwise scripts and stylesheets may fail to load.

Submits the Background Report for the given user. If you call this action again it will overwrite the report with the newly passed in one.

Example Request
  "report": "<html><head></head><body><div id=\"report\">report</div></body></html>"
Example Response
  "user": {
    "reseller_id": 1,
    "user_type": "po",
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "street": "123 Main St.",
    "city": "Oakland",
    "state": "CA",
    "zip": "12345",
    "email": "",
    "demo_mode": false
Example Response